Baby Shusher

The Sleep Miracle

This revolutionary tool for parents uses an ancient, rhythmic shushing technique to help soothe your fussy baby. Get much-needed sleep, for you and your baby, with the Baby Shusher!

"I was introduced to this at my twin's newborn photo shoot. It helped them fall right to sleep and she was able to get AMAZING shots! A few weeks later, I was going on little to no sleep trying to get my girls to calm back down and go to sleep, then a light-bulb went off and I remembered this amazing shhhh machine. So in the wee hours of the morning, a desperate, sleep-deprived mom ordered this and has been using it ever since. I usually try to only use it at bedtime so they associate the sound with bedtime. It really helps my girls calm down and fall asleep. I love it!!!"

Shannon Harris

Safell DreamCatcher

Crib Safety Device

DreamCatcher provides a safe, soft place for your baby to land if they decide to climb out of their crib. With eight inflatable sections, it can be configured to any nursery layout.

"Whoever invented the Dream catcher is a genius. As a mother of 2 where was this 35 years ago. I was putting pillows and blankets on the floor for when not if my toddlers decided to climb out of their crib. A dad I knew had a 2-year-old wedge his sippy cup in the crib rail and step on it to flip out of his crib. Now as a nurse and a Sleep Consultant I am so grateful this product is available. I tell all my clients about it. I know it will give parents the peace of mind they need to be able to sleep when they have toddlers that are able to climb out of their cribs. As a soon to be grandma, I will be ordering mine soon."

Pam Jones RN


Tummy Time Tool

Tummy Time is an important part of every baby’s development. Turn tummy time into happy time for your little one and make playing easier while taking the frustration out of tummy time.

"My 5 month old baby boy has always hated tummy time. It was quite a sad sight. As soon as I would place him on his belly, he would attempt to raise his head and then quickly let out wail of defeat and just lie on the floor like a beached dolphin. When he finally started to roll around a little and lift his head up, things improved slightly. Now, with the Tumzee, he is much happier. Since he is higher off the ground he is able to make better eye contact with me and can actively play with toys. I only wish that I had gotten this as soon as he had head/neck control as I feel that it would have saved us many tears."

NY Mommy

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