Stoplight Golight

Kids Visual Timer

No matter the task, Stoplight Golight helps your child know when it is time to focus until they’re signaled to move on to the next activity.

"This stoplight is so great. Compared to other visual timers . . . The lights are easy to see and my toddler understands it even though he doesn't seem to completely know his colors. This helped us with the "staying in bed" issue almost immediately. I plan to use it for many other timed tasks in the future. As a former special education teacher, I know that visual cues are important for kids."


True Tot Tower

 Enhanced Step-Stool/Tower

Encourage creativity, imagination, and stronger family relationships by including your children in counter-top fun!

“My grand baby LOVES it. She cooks with her poppa everyday. Some days she stands in it to eat. Talked my sister-in-law into buying her grand son one for his birthday.”

Lillian Carolyn Wells

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